By setting annotations in oneĬlass we can select which fields will be validated in all paths. java reflection get field value java print stack trace to string Howow to use font object Java how to change Jframe Background color java send an image over a socket java jlabel border get number of lines in a file java java jcombobox get selected item java close jframe java get mouse coordinates java taking console input String. StaleElementException example using the search field on the Selenium homepage. It is used to create robust, browser-based regression automation suites and tests. Selenium WebDriver has found its place in test automation for web applications. Paths only some elements should be always visible. Inside the HomePage.java Ive defined two different WebElements and used. obj object from which the represented fields value is to be extracted. In this post, we feature a comprehensive Selenium Name Locator Example in Automation Scripts. It is really useful if we have application in which we have many paths and from all those Our application works and if it really make sense to use this approach. The setAccessible will make the field visible to reflection. If you try accessing this through reflection youll get an access exception. This is a private (protected) field which holds the WebDriver reference. We will see the methods that are available to access each form element. It provides API to find the elements and act on them like entering text into text boxes, clicking the buttons, etc. Selenium encapsulates every form element as an object of WebElement.
The getDeclaredField will find the parent field. We will see how to access these different form elements using Selenium Web Driver with Java.

If we want to use it we have to be sure how The getClass will find the class definition for the WebElement. Reflection is a very useful approach to deal with the Java class at runtime as it can be used to load the Java class, call its methods or analysis the class at runtime. Which can change the state from visible to hidden or from active to inactive - it canĬause the problems and misunderstandings.

The important thing is to remember that we can't mark with Obligatory annotation fields We will be creating all our test cases under this package. page import .Obligatory import .DriverFactory import import import .FindBy import .pagefactory.Annotations import import static com. 3) Create a New Class and name it as ParamTC by right click on the ‘automationFramework‘ Package and select New > Class.